Before making a purchase decision, consider the following factors to determine whether a refurbished photocopier or printer can be relied on.
Don’t Go Into It Blind.
Sure, refurbished photocopiers and printers are significantly less expensive than new ones. But, once again, you must exercise caution when purchasing or leasing it.
Check that they have been professionally inspected and that all worn parts have been replaced. A reputable company should be able to tell you which parts are which and which are warrantied.
Negotiate for an Extended Warranty
New printers and copiers come with extensive warranties that cover repairs or replacement if the machine fails. This cannot be expected of refurbished printers, but they do come with a limited warranty.
Although the warranty is for a shorter period of time, always try to negotiate an extended warranty with the dealer, especially for major parts. If not, try to negotiate a lower price.
Make Sure There are No Hidden Costs
Some refurbished printers appear to be too good to be true. This is because some dealers fail to mention additional costs associated with the machine.
Make certain to request that your dealer disclose all costs associated with the printer or copier, such as additional maintenance services required for the machine to function properly, and so on.
Look for the Word “Certified”
Certified refurbished printers may be slightly more expensive than non-certified counterparts, but you will have the added assurance that the machine has been rigorously tested by qualified technicians.
A certified refurbished photocopier or printer often comes with a money-back guarantee, assuring you that you’re purchasing a high-quality machine.
Confirm If There’s a Return Policy
Check with your dealer to see if they offer returns on certified refurbished printers. If a dealer refuses to accept returns on refurbished printers, it says a lot about their confidence in the machines’ quality. It might be best to avoid these red flags.
*Other Model Available
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