Tag: setia alam

Explore our exceptional deals on Ricoh copiers! Offering prime sales and rentals in Malaysia, we cater to Selangor businesses with both new and refurbished options. Find cost-effective solutions tailored to your photocopying requirements through our extensive selection.

Best DPI for Colour or Greyscale Scanning

The best DPI (dots per inch) for color or greyscale scanning depends on the intended use of the scanned image. Here are some general guidelines: For web use: If you plan to use the scanned image on a website or social media platform, a resolution of 72-150 DPI is usually sufficient. For printing: If you…
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26/04/2024 0

Printers That Can Scan & Enlarge the Scan

Printers that scan, scanners that copy, or copiers that email and fax are all examples. These desktop peripherals, once dubbed “hydras” for their multi-headed performance, now bear the designation “MFP” for multifunction printer. Unlike large floor-standing copiers that also function as networked printers, MFPs are better suited to the output needs of small offices or…
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19/04/2024 0

How to Get Rid of Streaks on Copiers?

Streaks on copiers can be caused by a variety of factors such as dirty rollers, clogged toner cartridges, or even damaged fusers. Here are some steps to help get rid of streaks on copiers: Clean the copier glass: Streaks on copies can sometimes be caused by dirt or smudges on the copier glass. Use a…
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04/04/2024 0

Why Regular Copier Maintenance Is Important?

Regular copier maintenance is important for several reasons: Extends the lifespan of the copier: Regular maintenance helps to prevent breakdowns and keeps the copier in good working order. This can extend the lifespan of the copier and help businesses get the most out of their investment. Improves print quality: Regular cleaning and maintenance can help…
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12/03/2024 0

What Happens If a Printer Drum Runs Out?

If a printer drum runs out, it can cause several issues with the printing process, including: Faded prints: When the printer drum runs out, the printed pages may appear faded or light. This is because the drum is responsible for transferring toner or ink to the paper, and without enough toner or ink, the print…
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07/03/2024 0

How to Save Paper in the Office?

Saving paper in the office not only reduces costs but also helps to minimize the environmental impact of the business. Here are some ways to save paper in the office: Go digital: One of the most effective ways to save paper is to go digital. Use electronic documents and emails instead of printing everything out.…
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06/03/2024 0

How to Find the Best Copier and Printer Repair Service Partner?

Finding the best copier and printer repair service partner can be a daunting task, but here are some tips to help you make the right choice: Look for a company that specializes in copier and printer repair services. A company that focuses solely on this type of work is likely to have the expertise and…
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12/05/2023 0

What Can a Wide Format Printer Do for You?

A wide format printer can do many things for you, depending on your needs. Here are some of the benefits and uses of a wide format printer: Print Large Graphics: A wide format printer can print large graphics, such as posters, banners, and signs, up to several feet wide. This is especially useful for businesses…
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11/05/2023 0

3 Printer Mistakes That Can Be Solved with Managed Print Services

The Managed Print Services experts at Loffler are available to provide printer assessments for your organization. Here are three high-cost printer mistakes Managed Print Services can solve. Mistake #1: Multiple Departments Handle Their Own Printers Is each department in your organization ordering or buying toner from different suppliers? Similarly, is printer purchasing handled separately from service and support,…
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10/05/2023 0

Why Does My Copier Keep Jamming? 3 Tips to Avoid Paper Jams.

Paper jams can be frustrating and time-consuming to deal with. Here are three tips to help you avoid paper jams on your copier: Use the right paper: One of the most common causes of paper jams is using the wrong type of paper. Make sure you are using paper that is recommended for your copier…
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09/05/2023 0
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