Why Your Company Needs a Print Audit

Why Your Company Needs a Print Audit

06/07/2022 Information 0
Why Your Company Needs a Print Audit

Checking in on anything is good, and just like your personal health, you want to check up on your business health regularly. You probably have several audit systems in place to identify how things are going, track progress, and establish accountability.

The same thing applies in print. In order to make sure you’re getting the print deal you need – low prices and high quality on print management – you need to do a print audit. We can help you with the audit to know if your managed print is saving you money.

Understand Effectiveness

Print audits are a way for you to understand your print strategy and identify savings and higher quality opportunities. Print audits analyze existing print processes, supply chains, and print output and use them to understand where you are spending for print.

Then, the vendor will make recommendations for savings in several areas – many businesses see over 25% savings in their print environment.

To fully understand the effectiveness of your print environment and the money you are putting into it, you will need a print audit to see the data and comprehend the process and the system.

Build Accountability and Workflows

With your print audit in hand, you can update your managed print processes with Base Technologies. Managed print services will streamline workflows, oversee supply ordering, and support your equipment and print policies, all using the data from your print audit.

Successful managed print will improve your print accountability and use in order to make important budget decisions in your business.

Lower Costs and Improve Quality

Managed print will streamline your business with savings, automation, and improved workflows and accountability.

*Other Model Available


Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

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