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Explore our exceptional deals on Ricoh copiers! Offering prime sales and rentals in Malaysia, we cater to Selangor businesses with both new and refurbished options. Find cost-effective solutions tailored to your photocopying requirements through our extensive selection.

Ricoh Error Codes (SC 9xx) Part 8

The following is a list of the most common error codes for Ricoh, Gestetner, Lanier, and Savin products.  If you have an older copier and have updated to Windows 10, there are issues with Windows 10 printing and scanning we can help you with. Use Ctrl F, or Edit > “Find On This Page”, and enter the error code you are looking.  Your error code will be highlighted in Yellow.  You can also click on Next to jump to the next occurrence of that error code.  Toward the bottom are Printer Controller Error Codes and Ricoh 3813 Copier Error Codes. Once you know what the error is relating to, you can see if there is an obvious fix for the problem part. If you have errors you can’t fix, call my cell at (858) 231-5188, call our service department at (858) 271-9188, or see our contact page.  You can also provide excellent repair service Sometimes you just need to bit the bullet and get a new, or one of our refurbished units to lease or buy. SC-900Electrical copy counter problem reached 10 million or NVRAM problem SC-900-01Mechanical counter SC-901Mechanical counter or fuse FU4 SC-921MSU hardware errorCopier feature expander hardware error Aficio 220/270 SC-940Main switch problem or main board SC-951Gate signal error SC-953Scanner image setting error (Software) SC-954Printer image setting error SC-955Memory setting error SC-956Scanner parameter error SC-957, 958Scan error SC-959Printer setting ID error SC-960Printer return ID error SC-961Printer ready ID error SC-962Memory setting ID error SC-963Memory finishing error SC-964Printer ready error SC-970Scan error SC-980Program loading error or hard drive access error SC-981Hard drive response error SC-982Hard drive construction error SC-984Hard drive response errorControl board, BICU or connection bad Aficio 1035, 1045 SC-985Control board, BICU or connection bad Aficio 1035, 1045 SC-986Software problem SC-990Communication problem between BICU and input output board or software performance error SC-991Software problem SC-996FCU board or firmware problem SC-997, 998Software or missing RAM or missing DIMM SC-999Program version error or fuser FU6 Program download problem, BICU, IC, NVRAM bad, power loss, board installed wrong Aficio 1035, 1045 *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

29/09/2022 0

Ricoh Error Codes (SC 8xx) Part 7

The following is a list of the most common error codes for Ricoh, Gestetner, Lanier, and Savin products.  If you have an older copier and have updated to Windows 10, there are issues with Windows 10 printing and scanning we can help you with. Use Ctrl F, or Edit > “Find On This Page”, and enter the error code you are looking.  Your error code will be highlighted in Yellow.  You can also click on Next to jump to the next occurrence of that error code.  Toward the bottom are Printer Controller Error Codes and Ricoh 3813 Copier Error Codes. Once you know what the error is relating to, you can see if there is an obvious fix for the problem part. If you have errors you can’t fix, call my cell at (858) 231-5188, call our service department at (858) 271-9188, or see our contact page.  You can also provide excellent repair service Sometimes you just need to bit the bullet and get a new, or one of our refurbished units to lease or buy. SC-800Control board bad SC-804Control board bad SC-819Software application error SC-820Control board or software SC-821Control board SC-822Bad HD SC-823Bad control board or NIC SC-824NVRAM or battery bad SC-826NVRAM bad SC-827Memory problem SC-828Bad control board or firmware SC-829RAM DIMM or control board bad SC-835Control board or connector SC-836, 837Font ROM bad SC-838Clock generator problem SC-850NIB or control board bad SC-851IEEE 1384 interface board or control board bad SC-860, 861Hard drive problem, connection or cable SC-862, 863Returned, Bad sector in hard drive SC-864Abnormal HD data transfer SC-865Hard drive error *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

29/09/2022 0

Ricoh Error Codes (SC 7xx) Part 6

The following is a list of the most common error codes for Ricoh, Gestetner, Lanier, and Savin products.  If you have an older copier and have updated to Windows 10, there are issues with Windows 10 printing and scanning we can help you with. Use Ctrl F, or Edit > “Find On This Page”, and enter the error code you are looking.  Your error code will be highlighted in Yellow.  You can also click on Next to jump to the next occurrence of that error code.  Toward the bottom are Printer Controller Error Codes and Ricoh 3813 Copier Error Codes. Once you know what the error is relating to, you can see if there is an obvious fix for the problem part. If you have errors you can’t fix, call my cell at (858) 231-5188, call our service department at (858) 271-9188, or see our contact page.  You can also provide excellent repair service Sometimes you just need to bit the bullet and get a new, or one of our refurbished units to lease or buy. SC-700 ADF P/U problem SC-701 ADF P/U problem SC-702 ADF feed in motor SC-703 ADF transfer motor SC-704 ADF feed out motor SC-705 ADF bottom plate motor SC-720 Finisher transport drive motor problem SC-721 Finisher tray shift or shift motor problem SC-722 Finisher jogger motor SC-723 Finisher stack feed motor problem SC-724 Finisher stapler hammer motor SC-725 Finisher stack feed out motor SC-726 Finisher shift/lift motor SC-727 Finisher stapler rotation motor SC-729 Finisher punch motor SC-730 Finisher stapler position motor SC-731 Finisher exit guide motor Finisher exit open/close motor problem Aficio 1035, 1045 SC-732 Finisher up tray shift motor problem SC-733 Finisher stack feed out motor Finisher lower tray shift motor problem Aficio 1035, 1045 SC-734 Finisher lift motor Finisher lower tray shift motor problem Aficio 1035, 1045 SC-735 Finisher exit guide motor Finisher pre-stack motor Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-736 Finisher exit guide plate motor SC-737 Finisher waste stapler full SC-738 Finisher shift tray lift motor SC-740 1000 sheet finisher error 01: Shutter error 02: Exit error 03: Upper exit plate error 04: Jogger motor 05: Stapler motor 06: Stapler hammer motor 07: Tray lift motor 08: Shift tray height sensor 09: Back up RAM 0A: Communication error SC-741 1000 sheet finisher error in saddle stitch area 01: Position plate motor 02: Folder roller motor 03: Shutter guide motor 04: Booklet jogger motor 05: Stapler motor 06: Folder plate motor 07: Connector 08: Switch SC-750 Interchange connection problem SC-751 Bridge connection SC-752 Finisher connection SC-760 ADF gate problem SC-770 Shift tray motor *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

28/09/2022 0

Ricoh Error Codes (SC 6xx) Part 5

The following is a list of the most common error codes for Ricoh, Gestetner, Lanier, and Savin products.  If you have an older copier and have updated to Windows 10, there are issues with Windows 10 printing and scanning we can help you with. Use Ctrl F, or Edit > “Find On This Page”, and enter the error code you are looking.  Your error code will be highlighted in Yellow.  You can also click on Next to jump to the next occurrence of that error code.  Toward the bottom are Printer Controller Error Codes and Ricoh 3813 Copier Error Codes. Once you know what the error is relating to, you can see if there is an obvious fix for the problem part. If you have errors you can’t fix, call my cell at (858) 231-5188, call our service department at (858) 271-9188, or see our contact page.  You can also provide excellent repair service Sometimes you just need to bit the bullet and get a new, or one of our refurbished units to lease or buy. SC-600 Communication problem between SCU and operation SC-601 Communication problem between BICU and scanner Communication problem between BCU and EX-IPU board Aficio 400, 401, 500 Communication problem between SBU and SBICU Aficio 550/650 Communication problem between MCU and BICU Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-602 Communication problem between BICU hard disk drive board Communication problem between BCU and fuser control unit on Aficio 400, 401, 500 Communication problem between Hard disk drive board and SBICU Aficio 550/650 Communication problem between BICU and hard disk drive board Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-602-2, 2, -3 Communication problem between BICU and ADF SC-604 Communication problem between BCU and high voltage board SC-605 Communication problem between SCU and BCU SC-610 Communication problem between IOB and duplex unit SC-610, 611, 612 Communication problem between BICU and ADF SC-620 Communication problem between BICU and ADF SC-621 Communication problem between BICU and finisher SC-623 Communication problem between BICU and paper tray unit SC-624 Communication problem between BICU and LCT SC-625/626 GA5 data transfer error; EX-IPU or software Communication problem between BICU and finisher Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P Communication problem between BICU and LCT Aficio 1035, 1045 SC-627 Communication problem between BICU and LCT Aficio 1035, 1045 SC-630 Communication problem between line adapter and CSS center (Japan) SC-635-636 Communication problem between BICU and paper feed board Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-640 BICU data transfer sum check error SC-641 BICU control data transfer problem SC-650, 653 Key card (Japan) SC-670 Engine or BICU error SC-672 Op panel to controller problem SC-690 BICU problem (12C) SC-691 Communication problem between BICU and fax controller BICU problem (12C) Aficio 1035, 1045 SC-692 Communication problem between BICU and print controller board BICU problem (12C) Aficio 1035, 1045 SC-694 Communication problem between BICU and scanner board SC-696 Communication problem between IOB and finisher *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

28/09/2022 0

Ricoh Error Codes (SC 5xx) Part 4

The following is a list of the most common error codes for Ricoh, Gestetner, Lanier, and Savin products.  If you have an older copier and have updated to Windows 10, there are issues with Windows 10 printing and scanning we can help you with. Use Ctrl F, or Edit > “Find On This Page”, and enter the error code you are looking.  Your error code will be highlighted in Yellow.  You can also click on Next to jump to the next occurrence of that error code.  Toward the bottom are Printer Controller Error Codes and Ricoh 3813 Copier Error Codes. Once you know what the error is relating to, you can see if there is an obvious fix for the problem part. If you have errors you can’t fix, call my cell at (858) 231-5188, call our service department at (858) 271-9188, or see our contact page.  You can also provide excellent repair service Sometimes you just need to bit the bullet and get a new, or one of our refurbished units to lease or buy. SC-500 Main motor locked Bypass motor locked FT 7950, 7960, 7970 SC-501-1 & 2 1st Tray lift problem SC-502-1 & 2 2nd tray lift motor problem SC-503-1 & 2 3rd tray lift motor problem SC-504-1 & 2 4th tray lift problem SC-505 LCT tray SC-506 Optional tray motor locked SC-507 LCT motor locked SC-508 Tandem rear fence motor SC-509 Tandem side fence motor SC-510-1 & 2 LCT lift problem Paper feed motor problem Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-511 Tandem side fence motor error LCT motor error Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-515 Tandem rear fence motor Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-516 Tandem side fence motor Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-520 Duplex or fuser drive problem FT 7950, 7960, 7970 SC-521 Duplex side fence drive problem SC-522 & 523 Duplex jogger home position FT 7950, 7960, 7970 SC-524 Duplex end fence drive problem SC-530 Bypass motor locked or fuse FU106 on Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-531 Fusing duplex motor locked SC-541 Fuser thermistor open SC-542 Fuser temperature too low or fuse FU107 on Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-543 Fuser temperature to high SC-544 Fuser temperature too low SC-545 Fuser temperature to high SC-546 Fuser ready temperature unstable SC-547 Zero cross problem Fuser lamp stays on, AC drive board, optics board FT 7950, 7960, 7970 SC-548 Fuser unit not installed SC-590 Toner collector motor problem Cooling fan Aficio 220/270 series SC-591 1 bin tray motor *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

27/09/2022 0

Ricoh Error Codes (SC 4xx) Part 3

The following is a list of the most common error codes for Ricoh, Gestetner, Lanier, and Savin products.  If you have an older copier and have updated to Windows 10, there are issues with Windows 10 printing and scanning we can help you with. Use Ctrl F, or Edit > “Find On This Page”, and enter the error code you are looking.  Your error code will be highlighted in Yellow.  You can also click on Next to jump to the next occurrence of that error code.  Toward the bottom are Printer Controller Error Codes and Ricoh 3813 Copier Error Codes. Once you know what the error is relating to, you can see if there is an obvious fix for the problem part. If you have errors you can’t fix, call my cell at (858) 231-5188, call our service department at (858) 271-9188, or see our contact page.  You can also provide excellent repair service Sometimes you just need to bit the bullet and get a new, or one of our refurbished units to lease or buy. SC-400, 401 Transfer roller error Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-401 Transfer roller positive error problem SC-401-1 Transfer roller/belt short SC-401-2 Transfer roller/belt open or fuses FU104, FU115, FU116 Aficio 550/650 SC-402 Transfer roller negative error problem or open SC-403 Transfer belt position error, electromagnetic clutch release or fuse FU5 SC-405 Transfer belt position error, electromagnetic clutch release or fuse FU5 SC-405 Scanner problem; BCU, EX-IPU board or SCU on Aficio 400, 401, 500 SC-411 Separator bias SC-430 Quenching lamp error SC-440 Main motor locked or drum motor locked SC-441 Developer motor locked SC-490 Exhaust fan problem or ozone fan problem SC-491 Laser cooling fan locked SC-492 Cooling fan problem SC-493 Bridge fan problem Exhaust fan locked Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-494 Fuser fan locked SC-495 Toner recycling unit problem SC-496 Toner collector bottle problem SC-497 Toner recycling motor problem *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

27/09/2022 0

Ricoh Error Codes (SC 3xx) Part 2

The following is a list of the most common error codes for Ricoh, Gestetner, Lanier, and Savin products.  If you have an older copier and have updated to Windows 10, there are issues with Windows 10 printing and scanning we can help you with. Use Ctrl F, or Edit > “Find On This Page”, and enter the error code you are looking.  Your error code will be highlighted in Yellow.  You can also click on Next to jump to the next occurrence of that error code.  Toward the bottom are Printer Controller Error Codes and Ricoh 3813 Copier Error Codes. Once you know what the error is relating to, you can see if there is an obvious fix for the problem part. If you have errors you can’t fix, call my cell at (858) 231-5188, call our service department at (858) 271-9188, or see our contact page.  You can also provide excellent repair service Sometimes you just need to bit the bullet and get a new, or one of our refurbished units to lease or buy. SC-300-303 Charge corona SC-302 Laser (polygon) motor problem SC-302 Charge roller, HVT, or fuse FU5 (AFICIO 340, 350 series, 355, 450 series, and 455) SC-302-01, 02, 03, 04 Charge corona assembly Aficio 550/650 SC-303 Charge corona wire cleaner, disconnected or time out for printer SC-304 Charge roller problem, ID sensor problem SC-305 Time out error for memory or EX-IPU board or fuse FU103 on Aficio 400, 401, 500 SC-310-314 Potential sensor SC-320 Laser motor problem SC-321 Laser write problem, BCU board, EX-IPU board SC-322 Laser 1 synch. Problem SC-323 Laser drive problem SC-324 Laser drive excess current draw problem SC-326 Laser 2 synchronization error SC-327 Laser 1 home position error SC-328 Laser 2 home position error SC-329 Laser beam pitch error SC-330 Laser diode no initial setting SC-331 Laser diode home error SC-332 Laser diode present position error SC-335-338 Laser motor polygon problem SC-340 TD sensor output error SC-341 Developer motor lockup TD sensor adjust error Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-342 TD sensor adjust error SC-345 Toner collect motor lockup Developer bias loss Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-346 Toner recycle motor disconnected SC-350-1: thru 5 ID sensor error SC-351 Vsg problem, bad drum, ID sensor SC-352 TD (toner density) sensor problem or bad toner mix SC-353 Vsp problem; image density sensor, drum, HVT, developer bias, needs cleaning SC-354 Vsp problem; image density sensor, drum, HVT, developer bias, needs cleaning SC-355 Toner density sensor or under toned SC-356 Toner density sensor or over toned SC-358 Image density sensor, drum, toner spray SC-360 Hard disk drive error 1 SC-361 Hard disk drive error 2 Incomplete drum potential calibration, check imaging formation assembly FT 7950, 7960, 7970 SC-362 Image compression error Hard disk drive error Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-363 Data transmission error SC-364 Data transmission time out error Vd out of specs, drum, drum potential sensor, charge corona FT 7950, 7960, 7970 Hard disk drive error Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-365 Image storage error VI out of specs, drum, drum potential sensor, charge corona, dirty optics FT 7950, 7960, 7970 SC-366 CRC error Aficio 550/650Vr out of specs, drum, drum ground FT 7950, 7960, 7970 Hard disk bad sector maximum Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-367 Hard disk bad sector maximum Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-370-01 thru 07 Drum potential sensor error Aficio 550/650 SC-370-374 IMAC error Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-376, 380, 382, 384, 386, 388 Data transmission problem Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-390 CRC error Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-390-1 Toner density sensor error SC-390-2 Toner density sensor error SC-391 Developer bias problem or FU103 on Aficio 550/650 Image storage address error Aficio 551, 551P, 700, 700P SC-392 Toner density sensor SC-395 Developer bias problem *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

26/09/2022 0

Ricoh Error Codes (SC 1xx) Part 1

The following is a list of the most common error codes for Ricoh, Gestetner, Lanier, and Savin products.  If you have an older copier and have updated to Windows 10, there are issues with Windows 10 printing and scanning we can help you with. Use Ctrl F, or Edit > “Find On This Page”, and enter the error code you are looking.  Your error code will be highlighted in Yellow.  You can also click on Next to jump to the next occurrence of that error code.  Toward the bottom are Printer Controller Error Codes and Ricoh 3813 Copier Error Codes. Once you know what the error is relating to, you can see if there is an obvious fix for the problem part. If you have errors you can’t fix, call my cell at (858) 231-5188, call our service department at (858) 271-9188, or see our contact page.  You can also provide excellent repair service Sometimes you just need to bit the bullet and get a new, or one of our refurbished units to lease or buy. SC-101 Exposure lamp, lamp stabilizer board, dirty white plate, dirty optics, SBU board, CCD SC-103 Power problem SC-104 Exposure lamp problem, main relay optics board, electrical noises or communication error SC-105 Zero cross, main relay, optics board, FUSE 804 on DCPS or AC drive board on FT series SC-120-123 Scan home problem, sensor, scan motor, (EX-IPU board or fuse FU103 Aficio 400, 401, 500) SC-121 Scan home or fuse FU4 Scan home or fuse FU106 Aficio 550/650 SC-124 Scan motor encoder or scan motor SC-125 Scanning to slow speed SC-126 Scanning too fast speed SC-127 Scan motor or optics board SC-128 Scan start speed wrong; motor, board, drive section SC-129 Scan speed problem; motor or PSU SC-130 SBU error SC-140 / 141 Lens vertical home sensor SC-142 / 143 Lens horizontal home sensor SC-144 /145 3rd scan home sensor problem SC-190 EX-IPU board Aficio 400, 401, 500 Optics thermistor FT 7950, 7960, 7970 series SC-192 Automatic SBU adjust error, SBU, BICU, exposure lamp regulator, exposure lamp, dirty white plate SC-193 APS sensor FT 7950, 7960, 7970 series SC-194 IPU white level detect (too low) same as 192 *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

26/09/2022 0

The basic principle of a scanner

Scanners have become an important part of the home office over the last few years. Scanner technology is everywhere and used in many ways: Flatbed scanners, also called desktop scanners, are the most versatile and commonly used scanners. In fact, this article will focus on the technology as it relates to flatbed scanners. Sheet-fed scanners are similar to flatbed scanners except the document is moved and the scan head is immobile. A sheet-fed scanner looks a lot like a small portable printer. Handheld scanners use the same basic technology as a flatbed scanner, but rely on the user to move them instead of a motorized belt. This type of scanner typically does not provide good image quality. However, it can be useful for quickly capturing text. Drum scanners are used by the publishing industry to capture incredibly detailed images. They use a technology called a photomultiplier tube (PMT). In PMT, the document to be scanned is mounted on a glass cylinder. At the center of the cylinder is a sensor that splits light bounced from the document into three beams. Each beam is sent through a color filter into a photomultiplier tube where the light is changed into an electrical signal. The basic principle of a scanner is to analyze an image and process it in some way. Image and text capture (optical character recognition or OCR) allow you to save information to a file on your computer. You can then alter or enhance the image, print it out or use it on your Web page. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

23/09/2022 0

Lamp and Lenses in Photocopier

Making a photocopy requires a light source with enough energy to boot electrons out of the photoconductive atoms. What wavelengths of light can do this? It turns out that most of the visible spectrum of light contains enough energy to drive the process, especially the green and blue end of the spectrum. Anything lower than the red portion of the visible spectrum doesn’t have enough gusto to activate the photoconductor. And, although UV light has more than enough firepower to make a photocopy, it can be very damaging to our eyes and skin. This is why photocopiers use a plain old incandescent or fluorescent bulb to flash light onto the original document. When the lamp in the copier is turned on, it moves across the inside of the copier, illuminating one strip of the paper at a time. A mirror attached to the lamp assembly directs reflected light through a lens onto the rotating drum below. The lens works just like the one on your camera. It allows you to focus a copy of the image in a specific place. Although you can’t really focus the image on a photocopier to make the final product blurry, you can change the distance between the lens and the original or between the lens and drum to either reduce or magnify the size of the original image on your copy. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

23/09/2022 0
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