Here’s a helpful tip for saving money, paper, and the environment by printing on both sides!

Here’s a helpful tip for saving money, paper, and the environment by printing on both sides!

12/10/2022 Information 0

It really is that simple! This is how you do it.

Set defaults on computers
-Set the defaults to double-sided printing. Only use one-sided printing when absolutely necessary.
-Print bills, applications, licences, and other paper-intensive documents double-sided.
-If your printer cannot print double-sided, see if it can be fitted with a duplexing unit to allow it to print double-sided.
-When a print command is issued, make “rethink” messages appear on the screen.

Change your computer’s default settings so that you can put more text on each page.
-In MS Word, select “File,” then “Page Setup.” Then select “Reduce Margins” and reduce your margins to smaller numbers. When compared to the default settings, you could save up to 14% on paper!
-Reduce the font size to 10 points when printing to reduce the amount of paper needed.

Post in-house reminders about efficient paper use near the copy machine and/or each workstation
-When copying or printing, use both sides of the sheet of paper.
-Using the “Print Selection” function, you can print only the pages you need.
-For archival purposes and where possible, print documents 2-UP or 4-UP per page. Customized software can improve your printer’s document-per-page capabilities.
-Reduce your profit margins.
-To avoid copying errors, use the print preview function before printing any word or excel document.
-Reduce the number of pages printed by using a small font size.
-Use simple fonts such as Times New Roman or Arial. These fonts take up a lot less room.

Making these changes will have a significant impact on your company’s bottom line. You will not only save money by reducing the amount of paper used by your copiers, but you will also help to reduce waste. Millions of individual pieces of paper are discarded each year. Many are only used once. Using this guide can help you save up to 50% on copier machine costs and waste.


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