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Is Cloud Computing Right for You?

Cloud computing has a nice ring to it, and you may have heard a thing or two about it in the past few years. But, maybe it didn’t quite make sense or seem applicable to your company. Investing in cloud services is right for many businesses across industries. If you’ve considered it or are even just curious about cloud computing, here are the basics and some extra helpful details to get you started on the future of your business. Investing in Office Services Cloud computing refers to a global server network that creates data storage in a “cloud” or on off-site servers. These servers (or this information) is accessed via the internet, from anywhere and at any time. Cloud computing also has extreme security measures to protect the data stored on the servers. Investing in office services that streamline workflows and make it easier for your teams to operate securely from anywhere is more than worthwhile in today’s ever-changing business environment. Cloud computing – with storage, access, and security incomparable to hard copy data – might be the best step to securing your business’s future. Cloud Computing for Your Company Cloud computing is efficient for any company looking for growth and development in the digital sphere. With flexibility, scalability, security, and cost savings across the board, your company will wonder why you didn’t consider cloud computing a critical office service long ago. Now is the Time Don’t wait to update your storage and operations systems so you can have tighter security, functional operations, and access from anywhere. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

28/06/2022 0

5 Considerations to Get the Right Office Equipment

Businesses are investing in getting the right storage and equipment solutions now like never before. Why? Because the work world is changing fast, and adapting is the only way to stay ahead of the competition. What does the right office equipment look like for your business? Read on for a few strategies from the professionals, or reach out directly. for information specific to your company. Where to Start Evaluating the office equipment you currently have is your first step to efficiency and strategic spending. Understanding the volume, quality, specifications, and additional features or functions that your office needs is the best place to start when deciding how to shift your approach to office equipment. You can also ask employees what they would love to have to be more productive and to improve data security in the office. Input is always essential to buy-in. In a nutshell, the five considerations for evaluating office equipment are: Volume needed and common user numbers Special features required Employee expectations and productivity Cost and features comparison Future needs and advanced technology What to Know Next, you’ll want to have an idea of what your office equipment can look like at top performance. Can work with you to help create some ideas of what your office will look like when operating at your highest level after investing in the right office equipment to build your business in today’s world. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

27/06/2022 0

Why Your Business Needs to Outsource Office Services Today

Office services cover a wide variety of tech support, equipment and fleet management, and office organization that can make a huge difference in how your business operates and your overall cost management and productivity strategies. Really – major issues like budgets and strategy come into play with office services? Definitely. If your office is still scrambling to oversee data security, storage, digital transformations, or IT management, you might be behind and getting even further behind the competition every day. Time to upgrade your operations to get where you want to go. What Outsourcing Office Services Looks Like Outsourcing office services can mean: Establishing a cloud storage solution to save space Implementing managed IT to support your proactive tech oversight Creating document management solutions Building a cloud/mobile printing answer Working with a reliable vendor for tech and fleet support so you can focus on growing your business, innovating new products, and building your team up to be the best. Why Now? Today’s office is moving faster than ever before, and if you are counting on yourself or your management team to keep up with all advancements in technology, equipment, software, and functionality, you’re going to be disappointed – and obsolete. Stay in the game by outsourcing and investing in office services that can bump your business up ahead of the rest. Be Smart About Outsourcing Outsourcing is here to stay, because no small or medium sized business has experts in every single field. Let your employees focus on their number one jobs and outsource office services like data security, cloud storage, and IT management today. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

24/06/2022 0

7 of the Top Reasons Why You Need Managed Print

Have you ever been standing at the printer when it makes a few weird machine noises and dies? And you’re expecting the important document you were bringing to the next meeting, to sell your product/service/idea. You talk to IT and maintenance, and there are no immediate solutions, so you go into the meeting unprepared, failed by the office equipment you’ve invested in. Okay, it’s a sad story, but we’ve all been there. Luckily, today, there are other options to get you further away from unmanaged offices’ print disasters. One of the top solutions is managed print, and we’ve got a few reasons why your office needs to consider investing in managed print seriously. Managed Print Explained First of all, managed print services mean that your provider is accountable for printer operations. That’s right – they take the weight of supply ordering, maintenance, equipment operations and oversee all your print operations to ensure that you have the functionality you need when you need it. Why It’s for You What are the top reasons why you need managed print? Significant cost savings and budget improvement Give IT a break from printer troubleshooting Repair and maintenance is part of the managed print contract Supplies are ordered an on hand whenever you need them Managed your entire fleet with one managed print provider Security advice and oversight is part of the package Cut back on excessive print and paper waste Where to Start Managed print can make a world of difference for your company, your operations, and your team. Ready to invest in a print solution that actually works? Make the move to managed print today. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

22/06/2022 0

Read This if You Have Document Overload in Your Office

While the office has been changed a little in 2020, it’s definitely time to check in with where you’re at. Take a look around your physical office. Now is an excellent time to make some changes to the space before everyone is back, and while digital communication is top of mind. What do we have in mind? Managing your storage problems and communication roadblocks with helpful digital solutions, primarily document management. Document management systems will help you scan, save, and store your files in an easy to use digital platform, so everything is housed securely in the cloud. You can start with historical data and continue with recently used or currently used files. That means all those papers in the filing cabinets can be converted to digital, stored online, and saved forever. The storage can go, and you’ll be able to use your whole office. Paper Clutter is a Hazard Paper clutter in the office is a major hazard. From lunky storage that is difficult to move to physical files that can’t be recovered after a natural disaster, paper storage and clutter is hard to justify in our digital world. Take the step to clear it all out now, while your office isn’t as busy. Document Solutions for Storage Issues Document management is your main solution for your storage issues, and you can also fix communication, collaboration, and interactions by moving everything to one digital space. If you’ve been thinking about making the change, now is the best time to reclaim your physical office space. Get Your Document Management System Today Document management isn’t going anywhere, especially because people are only moving more and more into a digital space. Don’t get left behind, and make sure you can communicate with your team and your customers. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

21/06/2022 0

4 Reasons to Invest in Tech Updates

Tech updates can move your office from old equipment and storage solutions into modern-day answers. What does that look like? That can mean new, highly functional printers and copiers with extra security and finishing features to make your project shine. Or, it can mean moving your data to a document management system and cloud storage function so you can move across digital platforms. OR, it can also mean outsourcing office services like managed print to oversee essential functions that need some focused support. Tech Updates are Office Services That Update Your Company Any of these office services are major improvements for your company. To be clear, you might be interested in looking at new equipment, document management services, or print management services. These functions will help you ensure that office essentials are covered while you focus on team building, collaboration, innovative ideas, customer service, and overall growing your business. Build a solid foundation of professionals that covers office services so you aren’t stuck repairing the copier instead of in the big client meeting. Use the Best Tech to Get Ahead The best tech will help you build and grow. You’ll find the following benefits from investing in office services: Higher participation Better output and functionality Improved organization More innovative ideas and brainstorming Efficient workflows and practices Excellent secure access Real-time info and updates Bring it in With Essential Office Services Time to bring in the customers and business you expect and your company can get by having the hard stuff covered in the background. Don’t waste time on services that aren’t working for you – get the office services that streamline business and make your work easier. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

20/06/2022 0

How to Select Document Solutions

Document solutions sound wide-ranging, and they are – they cover all aspects of the digital environment. However, most document solutions are consistent with digital and business needs. From print management to document management, your document solutions can save money and time. The main question is – how do you choose the right services for your business? Work with a Reliable Vendor The first step is working with a reliable vendor. You need a vendor that you can talk about research, company needs, security, organization, data storage, and more. A vendor that has a solid track record and also a reliable service team of experts. Find the Answers Your Business Needs Next, look at the system that you would like to implement. Document management systems have all the solutions you need when you are working with a top-notch vendor. So, what does document management mean? Document management includes services like: File search Tracking of documents Security features Access restriction Central views of systems Uploading processes Mobile access And way more than that. Your expert team will make sure that your digital office is functional and offers everything your business needs. Other considerations to make when choosing a document management system include software integration, business needs, digital office space, and special security or other features. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

17/06/2022 0

Not Having Managed Print Can Really Cost You

You managed business expenses closely and carefully. Each expense matters and is part of a tight budget. With any business, you need to know where your money is going. Some outsourcing services can help save money at your business and keep you running ahead full speed. Managed print is one of those critical services. Managed print services are an upfront cost, sure. But not having managed print will cost your business much more in the long run. Tracking printing costs is the best way to provide oversight on spending, evaluate print policies, and cut back where necessary. Expensive Print Environments Almost 35% of businesses don’t track their print environment, and for some companies, that means losing almost the same amount in savings on print costs. How do print costs add up? Start with some slightly outdated equipment, move to overuse and over-ordering of supplies, and end with excessive printing and inefficient use by employees. You’re looking at about a 20% increase in print costs. Get it Under Control How does managed print get control of these costs and keep them down? The key ways it works for any business include: Increased print oversight and print data audits Access to efficient, upgraded devices Streamlined print fleet Organized supply ordering and use Effective print policies Better security and protections These benefits are critical for any business that needs to address print. Managed print is a cost, sure, but the savings make the service beyond worth it. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

16/06/2022 0

Avoiding Office Equipment Issues

Many businesses in today’s world know that they need to be efficient and operate in a digital, online society. With so many unknowns in the world, companies have two major concerns: budgets and sustainability. Keeping costs in order so that your business can make it through strange times is important, and ensuring that your business will stay above water no matter what situations arise next. One way to create better cost management and increase your business continuity is by investing in reliable office equipment and implementing managed print services. Managed print is critical in getting your print budget and print fleet in order, overseeing your office equipment, and ensuring that the functional aspect of your business will not let you down. How to Get Ahead of Print Problems In managing your print, it’s important to get ahead of print problems and – just like in any aspect of a business – not be too reactive about problems. In fact, you would rather be entirely proactive in managing issues, exactly what managed print lets you do. Combining managed print with updated office equipment means that your office equipment will be reliable and operate at full capacity. In contrast, your print supplies and procedures will fall in-line with cost management and efficient use. Have a Proactive Print Environment This should be your number one goal in managing costs (especially sneaky, hidden costs like print) and increasing your office’s operational sustainability. Getting ahead of anything, but especially a function that is mission-critical like print and can also tend to be expensive. This is your first step in managing your office in a new world and controlling what you can. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

15/06/2022 0

Managed Print Equals Better Cyber Security

Printers are unfortunately very susceptible to cyber-attacks and malicious malware. Luckily, managed print can introduce a multi-layered print security strategy to your office and help protect your data, clients, and employees. Print infrastructure can be a major target for attacks, hacks, and breaches because it is often overlooked as a sensitive and vulnerable data source. However, managed print can protect your print environment and your entire business from a big security breach. How Managed Print Helps Managed print has a significant impact on print security. First of all, managed print is proactive and comprehensive fleet management. That means that the service’s primary function is to seek out potential problems or issues and address them before they impact your entire business. This also applies to security – your managed print services can stay ahead of print security issues by applying intensive oversight to your print data and environment. Here’s a breakdown of the most important ways that managed print addresses cybersecurity: Secure print infrastructure Print fleet security policy Ongoing monitoring and oversight Print policy and education Comprehensive security analysis Change Your Security Landscape Shifting your print security landscape to be proactive, carefully monitored, and ahead of changing technology and risks is critical to keeping your business and employees on track. As organizations worldwide move quickly toward becoming more digital, a secure print infrastructure is key in providing the right technology, education, and information to your teams. All organizations must focus more than ever on information security, and investing in managed print services is your first step. Stay Ahead of Hackers Managed print is critical for print security and protecting your business data. Managed print starts with the right vendor *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

14/06/2022 0
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