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Prepare for Disaster with Digital Document Solutions

What would you do if disaster struck your business tomorrow? There’s little chance that you could salvage much from a catastrophic fire or flood; most of your physical assets would either be destroyed or severely damaged. But are those possessions what defines your business? While the loss of your business location and everything inside it would be devastating, your business could eventually recover. What puts most companies out of business following a natural or human-caused disaster is a loss of information, not possessions. How you safeguard your proprietary information dictates how well you’ll survive if the worst happens. Saving the Important Things Businesses who rely on paper-dependent processes are at risk of losing everything if a fire, flood, or earthquake strikes their offices and warehouses. Paper documents and the storage systems that house them are no match for a disaster. Fortunately, losing your proprietary knowledge and information following a disaster isn’t a foregone conclusion. Digital document solutions can allow your company to survive a catastrophic event. Here are just a few of the key advantages: Off-site data backup means your information isn’t dependent on physical storage. With planning, your company could regroup and begin operations as soon as possible following a disaster. Digital document solutions preserve your contact information, giving your team the ability to stay in touch with customers and keep critical projects on track. The Rest of the Story While disaster recovery is one of the leading benefits of electronic document solutions, it’s not the only one. Businesses who replace paper-based systems with digital alternatives see improvements in everything from customer service and workflows to regulatory compliance and lower costs. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

25/03/2022 0

Looking for Growth? Try Cloud Computing!

The explosive adoption of cloud computing has led to impressive growth for businesses across the spectrum. From reduced costs to improved process efficiency, switching to the cloud may be the surest path to success for your company in the years ahead. Here are three of the most recently identified advantages of cloud computing. 1. Improved product turn-around time. How long does it take your company to get new products or services from the drawing board to the market? The cloud allows for markedly improved collaboration, which may account for its contribution to improved production turn-around times. With anytime/anywhere access to project plans and critical documents, your team can respond quickly to changes, brainstorm new ideas, and correct issues on the fly. 2. Improved business processes. Your company’s success is a reflection of your business processes. Organizations who still rely on paper-based processes can’t hope to compete in today’s fast-paced digital economy. Digital office services like cloud technology provide greater flexibility and powerful communications tools that can level the playing field for your small-to-midsized business. Here are a few key advantages: Utilize your multifunction copiers to upload files to digital platforms and cloud storage solutions. Access and print files directly from your office multifunction system. Reduce document retrieval time with tags, keywords, and notes that make it faster and easier to locate content. Securely access your files from any location. 3. Reduced IT-related costs. Office services that don’t save your company money aren’t doing their job. Cloud computing provides off-site access to robust IT centers, reducing your need for expensive hardware. Some companies even opt to eliminate on-site data centers in favor of cloud computing managed by their office services provider. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

24/03/2022 0

3 Ways to Save with High-Tech Office Equipment

Paper-based filing systems provide almost no advantages, and the downsides are easy to spot. Search time — Researchers estimate that searching for paper documents requires as much as eight hours per week, per employee. Duplication — When documents can’t be located, they must be recreated. Loss — From misfiling to damage from age or disaster, paper files are nearly impossible to protect. Slow process time — Business processes that rely on paper are notoriously inefficient. Errors — Mistakes caused by manual data entry can cost companies thousands in lost revenue. The Benefits of Scanning Fortunately for your company, you don’t have to rely on last century’s solutions for document storage. Today’s state-of-the-art office equipment eliminates the problems caused by handling physical documents. Multifunction printers and scanners allow for secure document capture, distribution, and storage using digital processes. Here are three of the chief advantages: 1. Save time. Your office equipment should provide tremendous time-saving advantages. A dedicated scanner with features like duplex scanning, automatic document feeders, network connectivity, and user-friendly interfaces make it easy to scan and route thousands of documents into document management systems. And with high internal memories, your scanner and multifunction system can give your team immediate access to critical documents. 2. Fast sharing. Pushing paper from one person and desk to another will never be fast, and today’s high-tech office equipment has solved the problem. Users can quickly scan and route documents to multiple locations. With scan-to-email, scan-to-fax, and scan-to-folder capabilities, sharing documents is fast, easy, and secure. 3. Back it up. Backing up your data has never been more important. Digital solutions provide a failsafe in case the worst happens, and your physical location and office equipment are destroyed. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

23/03/2022 0

3 Reasons to Limit Access to Desktop Inkjet Printers

Desktop personal printers are easy to acquire because of their low purchase price and off-the-shelf availability. But if you haven’t included them in your print-related expense reports, you should be. Because desktop printers have relatively insignificant sticker prices, businesses often overlook them and instead focus on large acquisitions like large multifunction copiers and laser printers. Here’s what those desktop units may really be costing your organization, and what steps you can take to correct print-related cost overruns. A Managed Print Approach A managed print assessment will begin with an inventory of your print devices and how you’re using them. Print Audit managed print software can provide details showing who is printing, and on which devices. The analysis will reveal if high-cost desktop printers are a source of printing inefficiencies and high volumes. Here’s how these single-function devices may be driving up your company’s print-related expenditures. 1. Expensive inkjet cartridges. Printer ink is so expensive that its per-gallon price can reach as high price. Even though you’re unlikely to use gallons, the cost is still very high. And since inkjet printers go through 300% more ink than laser printers, their TCO is comparably very high. 2. Convenience printing. Easy access to desktop printers often leads to convenience printing; users may not hesitate to print unnecessary documents when a printer is within arm’s reach. A jaunt across the office to a centralized multifunction printer isn’t quite as convenient, so users may think twice before selecting PRINT. 3. Security issues. Consumer-grade desktop printers may not have the multi-layer security protocols you need to keep hackers from accessing your network. A Print Audit managed print assessment will alert your team to these and other print-related security weaknesses. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

22/03/2022 0

Reduce Printing Costs With Print Audit Managed Print Solution

Not sure whether Managed Print is right for your business or organization? For companies with at least three printing devices, Managed Print is worth a second look. What’s Your Strategy? You’re occupied with managing and growing your business, and there’s little time left over for implementing a print strategy. Unfortunately, hidden costs can take a significant chunk out of your bottom line. A Managed Print Assessment from Print Audit can uncover those costs and provide workable solutions for recovery. Here’s how: 1. Inform Yourself Are your employees printing documents unnecessarily? Print Audit Managed Print Solution provides tracking tools and visibility to reduce wasteful printing practices. Find out who’s printing, what they’re printing, how much, and what device they use. Are desktop and personal printers a problem? These high-cost devices can encourage wasteful and unnecessary printing habits. Do you know how many laser printers your company has online and how many users access them? Print Audit provides a detailed inventory outlining devices, computers, and end users across your organization. 2. Inform Your Staff It’s not unusual for staff members to be mostly unaware of the real cost of unnecessary printing. Print Audit can help out by keeping end-users informed about the cost and the environmental impact of their everyday printing decisions. Control color printing, implement duplex printing, direct print jobs to the most cost-efficient device, and implement authentications to keep unauthorized users from printing protected documents. 3. Inform Your Clients Are you losing thousands of dollars by not recouping client print costs? Print Audit can help you recover those costs, integrating captured managed print data with your existing accounting software. Some companies realize a return on their investment in just six weeks. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

21/03/2022 0

Slow Network Impeding Your Progress?

Acquiring information used to be a time-consuming process. A trip to the library or bookstore was the starting point for everything from how to grow bigger tomatoes to identifying the source of the mysterious ticking sound under your car’s hood. And next year’s vacation? The journey began by writing to the chamber of commerce for a visitor’s packet. To say that the way we gather information has changed is an understatement, and now and then it’s good to laugh at our impatience (outrage?) when a slow network means we have to wait a few extra seconds. Even so, a slow network can bring business productivity to a standstill. If yours is causing some frustrating bottlenecks, here are a few simple steps you can take to mitigate the problem. Finding the Root of the Problem Sometimes just making a few inquiries can help you get to the bottom of the problem and back to work with minimal disruption. 1. Talk to the IT team. — Perhaps you missed the memo about a scheduled outage. IT departments do what they can to avoid outages during peak business hours, but maintenance issues sometimes come up unexpectedly. 2. Update your applications. — Updates can be an inconvenient annoyance, but constantly swatting them aside for later can catch up with you. 3. What about your browser? Try switching to another browser to see if anything improves. 4. Get an office services check-up. If you need help storing and accessing your information, look into professional Cloud Services. You’ll be able to access your information quickly, securely, and from any location. 5. Get an equipment check-up. If you’re using a multi-function system to scan and route information to your database, perhaps an equipment upgrade is in order. As part of an overall office services strategy, we are offers state-of-the-art office equipment to help your business succeed. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

18/03/2022 0

Time for an Office Equipment Check-Up?

Are there tell-tale signs that something is a little off with your copiers and laser printers? Maybe monthly expenditures are higher than you’d like them to be, or downtimes are bringing your workflows to a standstill. A check-up can provide the answers. Make Time for a Valuable Assessment Even if everything appears to be fine with your copiers, laser printers, and print infrastructure, a check-up never hurts. In fact, routine check-ups should be a part of your ongoing plan to keep your business processes robust, up-to-date, and free of wasteful habits that inhibit productivity. Fortunately, a check-up is as easy as calling your office equipment provider. BASE Technologies can assess your systems and workflows to find out how things stand, beginning with a Managed Print Assessment. 1. Print volumes — Are your volumes out of control? Has printing without thinking become the norm? Rules Based Printing can help you set restrictions to reduce unnecessary printing. 2. Print quality — Are you getting the most from your copiers? An office equipment check-up can show you whether routine adjustments can solve the problem or if an upgrade is in order. 3. Service agreements — Are you paying too much and receiving too little in return? A Managed Print Services partnership includes expert maintenance and repairs for your print fleet. 4. Supplies — Does your staff make ad hoc purchases of supplies like toner cartridges and drums? Managed Print takes the guesswork and uncontrolled spending habits and turns them into a streamlined system where you get what you need when you need it. 5. Print-related workflows — Bottlenecks and downtimes can impede productivity across your organization. Managed Print technicians can install new office equipment and repair damaged devices quickly and with minimal disruption to your daily processes. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

17/03/2022 0

Do You Need a Managed Print Solution?

An unmanaged print environment can be a drain on revenues, but most business leaders are unaware of the impact of print-related costs. Managed print assessments often reveal expenditures as high as 3% to 10% of total revenues. A managed print solution can bring these costs back in line and reduce them by as much as 30% for a print spend that’s manageable. Do You Need Managed Print? Many business leaders aren’t sure whether their organization would see a measurable return on their managed print investment. For businesses with three or more printing devices, the answer is usually yes. Here’s further clarification in the form of four basic questions: Do you regularly use printing equipment to produce documents in-house? Do you have a strategy in place to control print-related spending (devices, supplies,)? Do you know how much your organization spends on printing documents? Are all of your print-related costs consolidated under one vendor and one monthly invoice? The Print Audit Solution Print Audit is a managed print solution that allows organizations to track and control printing costs through analysis, rules, and recovery. 1. Accountability & Rules Are your employees held accountable for the documents they print or copy? Print Audit delivers a monitoring strategy to track document printing and hold users accountable for print volumes. Print Audit also deploys rules that put limits on print volumes, controls who can use color laser printers, and redirects print jobs to your most cost-effective device. 2. Recover Printing Costs Did you charge your last client for the reports you printed for their capital project? Print Audit uncovers these costs, allowing your organization to deploy chargeback strategies to recover lost revenues. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

16/03/2022 0

Save Time With a Document Management Solution

Whether we’re at work or home if there’s one thing we could change, it’s the number of hours we have to accomplish our goals. What if we told you there was a tool designed to help you gain more time? Of course, there will still be the same number of hours in a workday, but every business leader dreams of a solution to use those hours more efficiently. Save More Time With Document Management Your documents drive your business processes, and when they’re unmanaged, everything slows to a crawl. If you’re looking for document solutions that can improve productivity and reduce costs across your organization, electronic document management can provide the answer. Here’s how you’ll save time: 1. Simplified Workflows Your businesses processes are all about how you move documents through the various departments and touch points within your organization. If you’re relying on paper-based workflows, it’s time to replace them with digital document solutions. By automating your company’s repetitive processes, your employees can focus on projects that contribute to growth. 2. Find What You Need Faster The studies on paper-based processes are right—knowledge workers spend almost a quarter of their workday looking for documents, and at least half of the time they’re forced to give up the search. Electronic document solutions give businesses the tools they need to capture and file information so that it’s organized and easily accessible. When your staff can find documents in seconds instead of hours, improved productivity will naturally follow. 3. Backup and Secure Your Data Paper files are impossible to protect from disaster, and theft is a real possibility. Digital document solutions like document management provide state-of-the-art security protocols to keep your data away from unauthorized users. And if the worst happens and you’re hit by a disaster, your files are safe. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

15/03/2022 0

Simple Fixes for Paper Jams and Slow Printing

You depend on your office equipment to keep your daily projects moving at a steady pace. Perhaps that’s why little irritations can escalate into major problems so quickly—they’re very good at keeping you from doing your job. Easier Than You Think If you’re ready for a break from endless printing hassles, check out these simple fixes for common problems. Slooooow Printing Before you resort to throwing office equipment from your second story office window, try these preventative measures to fix slow printing problems first. Switch to draft mode. Printing everything in high resolution could be the root of your slow printing hassles. By setting your laser printers and copiers to default to draft or standard mode, you’ll get faster results and use fewer supplies. When the job demands higher resolution, simply turn off draft mode until you’ve finished the task. Eliminate unneeded graphics. Require your employees to remove unnecessary images before printing. And while we’re on the subject of graphics, a print policy that prohibits employees from printing web pages and emails is always a good idea. Eliminate white space. Some multifunction copiers include options to remove excessive white space and even offer two-up printing to reduce paper waste. Excessive Paper Jams If paper jams are a frequent occurrence, something’s not right. A simple fix is sometimes all that’s needed to keep jams at bay. Try these first: Fan the paper. Whether it’s too much moisture, a dry environment causing an overload of static electricity, or a packaging mis-pick, fanning the paper before loading it into the laser printer can do wonders to eliminate paper jams. Align the paper. When refilling paper trays, be sure to straighten the paper and line the sheets up with the paper guides. It’s a simple fix, but one that often does the trick. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

14/03/2022 0
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