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Get the Best Document Solutions for Your Team

Your team needs document management that works, but sometimes when you start to evaluate available options, it can become overwhelming. Don’t get confused or lost in the possibilities – keep moving forward and work with the right vendor to get the document management system that will serve your employees and clients. How do you get the right document solutions? First off, understanding document management is vital. Document management is a digital application that stores files and records electronically while providing secure access for you and your staff. Know What You Need What do you need in a document management system? First, you’ll want to focus on security, which is a good first conversation with your vendor partner. Then, you’ll want to discuss user experience and capacity. Do you need mobile access or extra training? Please take a look at your team and ask how this integration can go smoothly for them. Finally, make sure you invest in a document solution that is scalable and flexible. Ask your vendor how your system will grow with your business and flex to new and changing technological needs. The extra and obvious consideration is working with a reliable vendor that you can trust. That’s how you can ensure you’re getting a high-quality product that will work for your employees and your business. Let Document Management Help Your Team Perform Once you know what you need and have reached out to Base Technologies to start looking at options, it’s time to integrate your document solution. You’ll be amazed at how your team can collaborate, communicate, and produce with a digital answer like document management. Choose What Works for You Document Solutions are saving money and helping businesses get ahead. Document management can optimize your business workflows and serve your team better. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

13/06/2022 0

Managed Print: All About The Assessment

When managed print services start, there is an assessment upfront. This assessment covers a wide range of aspects of your printers, and it ends with recommendations for making your printer fleet better and stronger. Assess the Machines The assessment of printing in your office starts with an assessment of the machines themselves. Each of the printers in your fleet will be examined and the makes and models of all of them noted. Often, older printer designs work less well with modern managed print services, and they also generally run slower. Newer designs also come with more security features. With some of the machines in the fleet, the assessment may show that a few of the printers should be removed or replaced with newer models that have better connectivity. Monitoring Printing The volume of the printing being done has a lot to do with your company’s printing costs. With print volumes being monitored, it’s easier to find out where the bulk of the printing is coming from and whether there is too much of it going on. Often, monitoring results in employees doing less printing, as they know they will be held accountable for their print numbers. This can discourage unnecessary printing and personal printing projects brought to the office from home. Part of monitoring is also noting the specific machines that are being used. This can help the company to eliminate printers that no one is using in order to save both space and power. Making Fleet Recommendations With a cohesive picture of how your printer fleet is working, which machines are being used, who is using them and how much they are being used, your managed print provider can make solid recommendations based on those numbers. The end goal is to have a printer fleet that is large enough for your company without being too large, having machines in good repair, and discouraging unnecessary printing. With a leaner, more connected printer fleet that isn’t used for unnecessary documents, a company can expect its print costs to run lower. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

10/06/2022 0

The Document Management Best Practices You Need to Know About

When your company is ready for a digital document management system, there are a few things to remember during the process. These best practices can make the change easier for every level of your staff. Scanning It isn’t enough to create new documents digitally and to leave the older documents where they’ve always been. The old documents should be scanned in to create new digital documents. An old customer should have to wait a long time for the retrieval of their information when new customers don’t have to wait at all. And with all of the documents scanned and stored digitally, there will be more room in the office and less clerical work to do. You can expect a jump in productivity for this reason. Filing Digital Documents When it’s time to file the scanned and digitally created documents, be sure that there is a clear system in place. Part of the genius of a digital document management system is that it’s so easy to retrieve documents after they have been filed. If your file-naming system is all over the place, this won’t be the case. Create a company-wide system that covers exactly how new, and scanned, documents are to be named and filed. This will allow quick and easy retrieval of files later. Telling Clients With such a beneficial system in place, customers should know about it. It’s a good practice to make an explainer, in whatever form that takes, to explain to clients what your system is. Tell them how this benefits them, such as the extra security it gives to their data. Let them know that this system makes the retrieval of their documents much faster and safer. Tell clients how it works and why it’s such a good system for everyone involved. This can save your salespeople a lot of time explaining to customers why they are electronically signing and how the document is saved and made accessible. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

09/06/2022 0

Getting Back to The Basics of The Cloud

There is a lot of talk these days about using the cloud, but what exactly is it? Do you know when it might be best to use cloud storage and when another option might be better? Cloud Storage When you know you need a better way of managing files, you may wonder just what cloud storage is. The cloud is a system online that lets you store files, manage their use, and make transfers. To keep these files safe, the system is encrypted and has password access to the files. For any files that are sensitive, the cloud makes a good place to store them. Document storage in the cloud also tends to be less expensive than other storage choices, and it is a safe system that has a reputation for security. How It Works The internet powers the cloud. The cloud uses a network of either virtual or physical servers where files are directly stored. The cloud provider then maintains these servers for an extra layer of security. Cloud users can access their stored data anytime with their internet connection. It’s instantaneous to transfer files, edit them, and save them to the cloud. This makes it perfect for many types of businesses to store their data there and rely on its strong level of security to keep your files from being accessed by anyone else. Using the Cloud When should you use cloud storage? One of the best times to use this storage method is when you don’t have an enormous amount of data that needs to be stored. If you do have a large number of files or otherwise a large amount of data, there may be better options for that data. But when there isn’t that much to store, the cloud is a perfect option. If you need to be able to retrieve data quickly, it’s also a good choice to use the cloud for its speed. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

08/06/2022 0

Avoid Pricey Office Equipment Repairs With a Little TLC!

When it comes to office equipment, the best way to avoid big problems and huge bills is to show your machines a little TLC. It’s not always easy to know exactly what your equipment needs–but today, we’ll provide some helpful tips that help you choose maintenance over repairs. A Little Care Goes a Long Way The great thing about almost all office equipment is that they’re hardworking, reliable machines with impressive longevity–as long as you take good care of them, that is. Maintenance is simple and painless, once you know where to start and, of course, it’s a lot cheaper than repair or replacement. Remember, a little regular care goes a long way toward keeping your machines healthy, happy, and reliable! Quick Tips Here are a few easy tips for starting a maintenance routine! Tip #1: Be patient. If your equipment has been idle for two days or more, it’s always best to run a few “test prints” before using it. Similarly, if your machine is taking a little while to boot up after being left alone, leave it–this is a recalibration process that will keep it operating properly. Tip #2: Clean the machine. Your equipment can really benefit from a little bit of regular cleaning. Carefully brush away any dirt or debris, give everything a good dusting, and clean any glass with a cloth and some alcohol-free glass cleaner. (This can help get rid of spots or lines on your copies, too!) Tip #3: Use the right supplies. High-quality paper, toner, and ink is a must when it comes to printer and copier maintenance. Using the wrong supplies can wreak havoc on your machine and leave you with a big repair bill–so make sure to read the manual and use the recommended consumables! *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

07/06/2022 0

Is Your HR Department Using the Cloud?

The way that HR deals with personnel records is extremely important. Using the same physical filing cabinets that have been used for many years keeps the department inefficient, however. There is a better way to keep records and to make them as secure as possible. Immediate Access to Files Digitizing HR records is a great way to make them immediately accessible by those who need them. When the files are on paper, it can take time to find the correct one that is needed. Specific files are often misspelled or simply lost. With digitized files, HR can find a personnel file in seconds and have access to it no matter where that HR worker is. This saves everyone time, and it makes it possible to get answers and office services from HR in far less time. It can even be done when vital HR employees are on vacation. Cloud Storage Cloud storage is often used because of its high degree of security for saved files. This security is often needed by HR more than any other department in the office. It also allows for easy storage that doesn’t put more work on to your IT workers. It’s simple to start with cloud solutions, and the transition will take only minimal training. And with personnel files backed up in the cloud, you don’t have to worry about files being lost thanks to computer problems. Search With Ease With files stored in the cloud, many HR searches are made far easier to complete. Finding one specific part of a contract, for example, can be done with just a few keystrokes. It’s easier for HR to make comparisons and keep up with all the data they store when they have such easy access to all of it. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

03/06/2022 0

How To Disinfect Your Office Equipment and Protect Your Employees

Office equipment is one of the most commonly used tools in a bustling office environment. Yet, while most offices have the carpets vacuumed and the toilets scrubbed each day, copiers and printers are usually an afterthought for disinfection. That’s because office equipment typically only gets cleaned when it’s serviced by a technician, or a dust bunny shows up in a paper tray. Add that to the facts that on average we touch our faces 15.7 times per hour and that the Coronavirus is pretty resilient on hard surfaces (up to nine hours, maybe even days) and you might be thinking that you need to deep clean your office ASAP before anyone returns to your office. Better to be safe than sorry, copiers, printers, keypads, keyboards and mouse alike (hard surfaces that are frequently touched) should all be disinfected for the best chance at flattening the COVID-19 infection rate curve. Here’s a quick list of best practices for small business owners looking to sanitize their office equipment to ensure the safety of their employees: First and foremost, before you perform any kind of cleaning and to prevent electrical shock, TURN OFF AND UNPLUG you electrical device Electronics and liquids do not agree, therefore, use caution with how you apply cleaning solutions. Never spray fluids directly on an electronic device. As a rule of thumb, isopropyl alcohol is the best solution for disinfection with a minimum concentration of 60% alcohol Pre-manufactured disinfectant towelettes are another good option because they tend to have the right amount of liquid for sanitation, but are not overly saturated that they might cause damage to your equipment. When applying cleaning solutions, mist a soft cloth with the alcohol mixture or use the pre-manufactured towelette Wipe down all exterior and exposed surfaces — copier lid, paper tray handles, keypads, and all commonly touched, high-traffic areas When cleaning the glass platen on your copier, be sure to use a lint free, microfiber cloth NOT paper towels as paper towels can scratch the glass If there is one resounding theme amidst all of this Coronavirus chaos, it is the fact that good old fashioned soap and water are the best defense against any virus. So, once your copier is clean, be sure you and your employees keep up with good hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly, with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds, as often as possible throughout the workday. There’s no shame in posting reminders in your restrooms–whatever it takes to keep the well-being of every employee in your organization top of mind. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

02/06/2022 0

How to Conduct an Effective Virtual Meeting

4.7 million people work from home in the United States [source]. The need for collaboration and meeting with co-workers does not go away when people transition to working from home, so it is no surprise that products like Zoom Meetings have realized huge growth. The recent Coronavirus spread is creating challenges for sales teams that did not need to make this transition to meeting virtually until now. One can only think that the number of people that work from home will be drastically increased for the long-term once we get back to normal. Virtual or not, we have all been in our share of meetings that were good, productive meetings and meetings that were a waste of time for all involved. So, ensuring that you can effectively conduct a meeting is critical in business continuity during these times. The 3 keys to having quality virtual meetings are: Planning Use of tools and technologies Engagement techniques Here are some helpful tips for each of the three areas: Planning Failing to plan is planning to fail. The nature of virtual meetings makes planning even more important. Here are some specific things you can do to plan for a fantastic meeting: Prepare an agenda, and stick to it Your agenda should include items that you would be able to cover given the time you have to meet. Send the agenda out to all participants prior.  One good practice is to have each topic as a question. If the topic does not answer a question, then you may want to consider the relevance of the topic Prepare questions More on engagement later, but the last thing virtual meeting participants want is a lecture. Asking the right questions in a meeting promotes healthy thinking. Asking the low-value questions compromises the integrity of the message. Prepare high-value questions that generate thought and support the intended message Prepare your environment Prepare your background. Ensure it is professional, yet has a bit of character in it as well. Arrive early so that you are able to test out all technology and be there when participants arrive to set the tone and ensure they use a camera if at all possible. Ensure you are dressed appropriately and positioned properly in front of your camera such that you are close enough to be seen. Plan meeting key points and takeaways For all topics, ensure you are ready to summarize the main points and any to-do items from the meeting. You will likely add to the list as well if you succeed in creating an engaging environment. Use of tools and technology Improper use of tools and technology can derail any meeting regardless of how prepared you are with your message. Specifically: Use a video conferencing platform like Zoom Video conferencing platforms have significantly evolved the last 5 years and can really be a game-changer when it comes to meeting virtually.  Zoom makes balancing video conferencing and content sharing easy and, unlike previous applications that we used, does so reliably Use webcams Most people have a webcam integrated into their computers. Use it! If a picture tells a thousand words, video conferencing tells a million. Seeing the faces of participants eliminates the biggest challenge with remote meetings Presentation Software Many use PowerPoint, we use the Google Apps suite. Highly designed animation can actually be a bit distracting, so this shouldn’t take too much time. Regardless of what you use, ensure you have bullets and visuals as needed to support your message. When you use text, use short snippets of big ideas, and don’t use too much text as you want to deliver the message with your voice. Engagement Techniques Thinking back to academic learning, there is a significant difference between a lecture course and a course with smaller group of students that enable discussion. Lectures with a couple of hundred students leave little room for engagement. Alternatively, smaller classes allowed for a lot more discussion, which really turns the dial on retention for participants. There are many ways that you can create an engaging meeting to increase its effectiveness: Proper use of questions Leveraging different types of questions can be very effective in increasing engagement. Here is a blog that talks to different types of questions. Overhead questions are put out there for anyone to answer and can be challenging to control the group when it is a question that a lot have opinions on. It is also not great when you hear crickets after you ask an overhead question. Direct questions, relay questions, and reverse questions are great in getting your participants to engage. Ask participants to share ideas or even present a module Sending out the agenda prior and asking participants to do some homework prior is a great way to get folks prepared to share ideas. If appropriate, delegate topics to others to lead. Use chat, polls, or other tools in your video conferencing platform Using different tools effectively keeps people engaged. If you can find a good use for a poll in your content, use it! Chat is a great way to gather insight from participants as an alternative to asking overhead questions. The # of participants in the meeting helps you evaluate which might be most effective. Larger meetings may require you to use a “Listen Only” feature and enable users to interact with chat. Ensuring you are able to facilitate virtual meetings effectively can minimize the impact of our new reality. Put these things into practice to minimize the disruption to your business. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

01/06/2022 0

What’s the Real Difference Between Lamp Projectors vs. Laser Projectors?

The use of projectors can be extremely helpful during a meeting or presentation. However, choosing a type can be difficult. Here’s what you need to know about both lamp and laser projectors. Projector Brightness It’s essential for everyone to be able to see what is being projected, so projector brightness matters. A lamp projector relies on a light bulb for its brightness, so it will dim over time. The lamp bulb will often have to be replaced, driving the cost of use up. However, a laser projector is much brighter. And, because there is no reliance on a bulb, the laser model will keep producing that bright light even after years of use. Under regular use, it will keep going without the need for replacing any part to keep it going. The Longevity of Use A lamp projector is reliant on its bulb for its longevity, so it is limited in its use until the next bulb is needed. The average use of a projector bulb is about 3000 hours of use. With a laser projector, the average use time is many times higher. Even at the lower end of its average use, it will get about 20,000 hours of use. This number can average as high as 30,000 hours. Though the laser type will cost more to purchase, it gets many times more use before it needs anything replaced. The need for bulbs and the short usage time for each of them makes the lamp type more expensive to operate. Overall Projector Quality The quality of the light is also one way to choose between projector types. Laser projectors create light that is of a better quality than lamp types. When a bulb is used, it can only create white light. The projector must then break that color down into other colors, and the projector then has to recombine those colors to create white again. It isn’t an efficient system, and it uses more power and generates more heat in order to do it. This then requires fans to dissipate the heat which in turn uses still more power. Laser projectors are highly efficient office equipment. They generate just the colors that are needed, consuming less energy and creating a brighter light. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

31/05/2022 0

Managed Print Services Can Protect Your Printer

Ever since computers first came into existence, they have been vulnerable to being hacked. Many people do not realize that printers are actually one of the most vulnerable parts of an office. Modern printers have touch screens, use the internet, and can be programmed to do amazing things. Sadly, these smart features also make the printer vulnerable to being hacked. This means that private information is at risk even when it is sent back and forth across printers. To make sure that a business’s cybersecurity is protected, it is important to rely on managed print services to protect printers from harm. How Can Managed Print Services Protect a Printer? There are a few ways that managed print services can protect printers from being hacked. Hackers will frequently use malware to take over a printer, controlling what it puts out and what it can communicate with. A reliable printer services company will employ a few tactics to protect printers from harm, including: Secure Passwords: Many printers come with default passwords; however, these are not very secure. A reliable print services company will update these default passwords with new, strong passwords. This will reduce the frequency of hacking attempts and improve the cybersecurity of a business. Update Features: Technology is advancing quickly and it is important for companies to make sure their features are up to date. Many businesses experience data breaches periodically and this exposes the company to serious harm. To prevent this from happening, managed print services will make sure that all features are up to date, preventing the company’s printers from being hacked. Train Employees: Finally, the experts with managed print services will also make sure that the company’s employees have been trained to identify issues with printers and patch them accordingly. By training employees to take care of the printers, the chances of a serious data breach taking place will be reduced. *Other Model Available RICOH MPC3503/MPC5503 RICOH MPC3504/MPC5504 Contact Us: 03-3341 6296 | 018-788 6296 | 018-228 6296

30/05/2022 0
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